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Hello, I'm

Dylson Oliveira

Full-Stack Web Developer

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2 years
Full-Stack Teaching Assistant

6 months
Front-End Engineer

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University of Birmingham
Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp Graduate

Heriot-Watt University
BEng Mechanical Engineering

I'm a Driven and Enthusiastic Web Developer, with a drive for problem-solving.

I offer an understanding in both Front and Back-end development, ready to be flexible and adapt to the demands of the team!

My ultimate goal: To work alongside a wise, hard-working team, where I can share my drive for problem-solving with. I'm seeking an opportunity to grow, in an environment where personal development is embraced!

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Full-Stack Web Development Teaching Assistant


In this role, I deliver edx's full-stack curriculum, teaching students how to become a full-stack developer in 6 months. I teach javascript at it's core, alongside modern techstack's like M.E.R.N.

The role requires me to break down complex coding concepts, and simplify them to digestible bits, which I then communicate to the students.

I conduct thorough code reviews of my students, offering constructive feedback to enhance their coding skills, and teach students how to adhere to coding best practices.

The role requires patience, and excellent communication. This way, I can best help the students reach their career goals into the beautiful, yet demanding, world of web development.

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Front-End Engineer at Century Tech


During my time at Century, I was tasked with re-writing Polymer.js code into React.js code, to modernize the web-app codebase.

The role also required me to fix existing bugs in the codebase, removing tickets from the backlog of outstanding bugs.

I also initiated a step-by-step junior developer guide, to better document the onboarding process for new developers joining the front-end team

The biggest takeaway from this role, was learning the ability to work independently. To keep calm and research online documentation and forums to help me develop my own solution to tickets.

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Group 1

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Group 2

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Group 3

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Group 4

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Browse My Recent


Project 1

Fictional University

I created a dynamic Wordpress custom theme for a fictional university.

I learned then fundamentals of setting up a new theme and learning how to convert static HTML into a dynamic Wordpress theme.

I created Custom Post Types and Custom fields, such as Campuses, Professors, Programs and Events. In addition, I created relationships between the post types, such as determining which professors belonged to which program and vice-versa.

I utilised JavaScript to implement a live search feature. I leveraged the Wordpress REST API, and let visitors sign up for a basic account on the website.

Technologies Used

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Project 2

Custom Wordpress Theme

Using PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I was able to convert a static html file filled with hard-coded data and transform it into a dynamic Wordpress template, where users could dyanmically change the content of the website via the Wordpress admin

Technologies Used

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Project 3

Web Design Studio Website

Using Elementor Page Builder and several additional plugins, I developed a fictional Web Design Studio website. This was a personal project for me to develop my page building skills, as well as gain an understanding how I would hand off the project to a prospective client.

The project contains several features including a dynamic project portfolio, particle animation in the hero, client testimonials carousel slider, Lottie animations, counter numbers to showcase projects worked on, a meet-the-team section featuring the team members with respective links to their socials, a working contact form connected to an active email host.

Technologies Used

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